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Portable devices to measure air quality in real time.

💡Concept of the Invention

Air quality is an issue of great importance for public health and the environment. Air pollution can be caused by various sources, like traffic, the industry, the Agriculture, among other. Thus, Measuring air quality is essential to take preventive measures and reduce negative effects on health and the environment.

In this context, the need arises to have portable devices that allow air quality to be measured in real time. These devices must be innovative and have advanced technology to obtain accurate and reliable measurements.

The design of these devices must be compact and easy to use., with a screen that shows the results clearly and simply. Besides, They must have a long-lasting battery to allow prolonged use.

One of the most important characteristics of these devices is that they must be able to measure different air pollutants., as fine particles, toxic gases and volatile organic compounds. This will allow you to obtain a complete view of the air quality in a certain area..

Besides, These devices can have connectivity to the internet to share measurement results in real time. Thus, A network of sensors can be created that allows monitoring air quality in a specific city or region.

These devices must be innovative, accurate, easy to use and capable of measuring different air pollutants. Besides, Its internet connectivity will allow sharing the results and creating a network of sensors to monitor the air quality in a certain area.


Portable devices to measure air quality in real time It is a growing need in today's society due to concern about environmental pollution and its impact on health.. To address this need, An innovative invention has been developed that uses advanced technology to measure air quality in real time.

The device works by collecting and analyzing data from different sources of air pollution, like carbon dioxide, toxic gases and suspended particles. For it, The device has several sensors that detect these substances and convert them into electrical signals that can be interpreted by an integrated microprocessor..

Once the data is collected, the device processes them and sends them via a wireless connection to an online platform where they can be viewed and analyzed in real time. This platform can also provide real-time alerts and notifications in case dangerous levels of air pollution are detected in the area..

The device also features a rechargeable battery and a touch screen that displays air quality data in real time., allowing users to monitor their environment and take preventive measures if necessary. Besides, the device is portable and easy to use, making it ideal for indoor and outdoor use, in homes, commercial buildings and in public areas.

Its advanced technology and ease of use make it an essential tool for healthcare professionals., the scientists, policy makers and anyone interested in monitoring air quality in real time.

💡Business model and profitability

<span class ="tr_" id="tr_14" data-source="" data-srclang="es" data-orig="Modelo de negocio para dispositivos portátiles para medir la calidad del aire en tiempo real">Modelo de negocio para dispositivos portátiles para medir la calidad del aire en tiempo real</span>

Currently, Air quality is an issue of great concern for many people and organizations around the world.. Rising air pollution can have a negative impact on human health and well-being, as well as in the environment. That is why an innovative invention that solves this need becomes a great business opportunity..

Product description

Our product is a portable device that measures air quality in real time. This device has sensors that measure the levels of pollutants in the air, as fine particles, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. The collected data is sent to a mobile application that displays pollutant levels on a map in real time. The app also provides tips and recommendations to improve air quality in the area.

Target market

Our target market is people and organizations concerned about air quality.. This includes individuals who want to know the air quality in their neighborhood or during their outdoor activities., even government organizations, businesses and communities seeking to improve air quality in their area. Especially, Our product is aimed at residents of large cities and industrial areas with high air pollution.

Marketing strategy

The marketing strategy for our product includes:

  • Online advertising aimed at people and organizations interested in air quality and environmental health.
  • Participation in fairs and events related to environmental health and air quality.
  • Collaboration with government organizations and companies seeking to improve air quality in their area.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to encourage the purchase and use of the device.

Revenue model

Our revenue model is based on the sale of the device and the subscription to the mobile application. The device will be sold for a fixed price and the subscription to the mobile application will have a monthly fee. Besides, additional services can be offered, such as custom reporting and data analysis for government organizations and businesses, for an additional price.

Costs and benefits

The costs to develop, produce and market the device include research and development, the making, marketing and distribution. However, The potential benefits are significant. In addition to income from the sale of the device and the subscription to the mobile application, additional income can be obtained from personalized services, sponsorships and collaborations with other companies and organizations. Besides, our product will contribute to the improvement of air quality, which can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of people and the environment.


By satisfying a growing need in the market and contributing to the improvement of air quality, our product can generate significant revenue and have a positive impact on human and environmental health and well-being.

💡Patent (Eraser)

<span class ="tr_" id="tr_15" data-source="" data-srclang="es" data-orig="Patente para dispositivos portátiles para medir la calidad del aire en tiempo real">Patente para dispositivos portátiles para medir la calidad del aire en tiempo real</span>

The present invention relates to portable devices for measuring air quality in real time., which are capable of detecting the presence of toxic substances and pollutants in the air accurately and efficiently.

Portable devices to measure air quality in real time consist of a high-precision sensor that can detect the presence of toxic substances and pollutants in the air, and a microprocessor that processes the data and displays it on an LCD screen.

High-precision sensor uses spectroscopy technology to detect the presence of toxic substances and pollutants in the air. Spectroscopy is an analysis technique that uses the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter to obtain information about the composition of a sample..

The microprocessor is capable of processing the data obtained by the sensor and displaying it on an LCD screen. The LCD screen shows the concentration of toxic substances and pollutants in the air in real time, and can also display graphs and statistics to help users better understand the air quality in their environment.

The portable devices for measuring air quality in real time also include a rechargeable battery that allows it to be used anywhere, anytime.. Besides, the device is light and compact, making it easy to transport.

The present invention is especially useful for people who live or work in areas with high environmental pollution., such as cities with a large amount of vehicular traffic or polluting industries. It is also useful for people with chronic respiratory diseases, like asthma, who need to monitor the air quality in their environment to avoid triggering a crisis.

This device is especially useful for people who live or work in areas with high environmental pollution and for people with chronic respiratory diseases..


Air quality has become a growing concern for people around the world.. The increase in air pollution, especially in cities, has led to increased interest in real-time air quality measurement. At the moment, There are portable devices to measure air quality, but with limitations in terms of precision, size and cost.

Executive Summary

Our innovative invention is a portable device to measure air quality in real time with a high degree of accuracy.. The device is easy to use, affordable and compact size, making it ideal to take with you anywhere. The device uses a combination of advanced technologies to measure air quality, including gas sensors, particles and temperature.

The target market for our device is broad and diverse. Includes people concerned about the air quality in their home, in the office or on the street, as well as companies and organizations that want to monitor the air quality in their facilities.. Also suitable for use in the transportation industry, where you can help control air quality in vehicles.

The objective of this business plan is to present a strategy to commercialize and make profitable our innovative invention.. The strategy is divided into four phases:

  • Phase 1: Market research
  • Phase 2: Product development
  • Phase 3: Product Launch
  • Phase 4: Expansion and growth

Phase 1: Market research

The objective of the first phase is to carry out extensive market research to better understand the needs and preferences of our potential customers.. The market research will be carried out in three stages:

  1. Identification of the target market: Research will be carried out to identify the different market segments that could be interested in our device.
  2. Competitor analysis: A detailed analysis of the current competitors in the portable devices for measuring air quality market will be carried out. The analysis will include an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as their marketing and pricing strategies.
  3. Market surveys: Online and in-person surveys will be conducted to gather information about potential customers' preferences and needs. The surveys will focus on topics such as size, the accuracy and price of the device.

The information collected in this phase will be used to develop a marketing plan and product development plan for our device..

Phase 2: Product development

The objective of the second phase is to develop a product that meets the needs and preferences of our potential customers.. The product development phase is divided into three stages:

  1. Design and prototyping: The design and prototyping of the device will be carried out, taking into account the results of market research. High quality materials will be used to ensure the durability and reliability of the device.
  2. Testing and evaluation: Extensive testing and evaluation of the device will be carried out to ensure its accuracy and reliability. Testing will be carried out in different environments to ensure that the device works correctly in different conditions.
  3. Production: Once the prototype has been evaluated and approved, the production of the device will proceed. High-quality suppliers will be used to ensure the quality and consistency of the final product.

The objective of this phase is to develop a high quality product that can compete with existing devices on the market.. Emphasis will be placed on precision, reliability and ease of use of the device.

Phase 3: Product Launch

The objective of the third phase is to launch the product on the market and generate sales. The product launch will be divided into three stages:

  1. Brand and visual identity development: A brand and visual identity will be developed for the device. A website will be created and marketing materials will be developed to promote the device.
  2. Distribution and sale: Agreements will be established with distributors and retailers to sell the device online and in physical stores

    💡Related apps and other notes

    Discover the best equipment to measure air quality in your home or business

    Air quality is a fundamental aspect to maintain good health, both in our home and in our workplace. For this reason, It is important to have portable devices that allow us to measure air quality in real time.

    There are several devices on the market that offer us this possibility., but which are the best? Next, We present some of the most outstanding devices:

    1. Xiaomi Air Quality Sensor

    This portable device is very easy to use and has a modern and elegant design. It allows you to measure air quality in real time and alerts you if high levels of pollution are detected. Besides, It has a mobile application that allows you to control data remotely.

    2. AirVisual Node

    This device is ideal for measuring indoor air quality. It is very precise and easy to use, and allows you to monitor pollution levels in real time. Besides, It has a mobile application that allows you to receive alerts and recommendations on how to improve the air quality in your home or business.

    3. Awair Glow C

    This device not only measures air quality, but also allows you to control the water quality and temperature in your home or business. It is very easy to use and has a mobile application that allows you to control the data remotely.

    4. Foobot

    This device is very precise and allows you to measure air quality in real time. Besides, It has a mobile application that allows you to control pollution levels and receive alerts if high levels of pollution are detected.. It also offers you recommendations on how to improve the air quality in your home or business..

    These devices allow you to control pollution levels and take measures to improve the air quality in your home or business..

    Complete guide to monitor air quality and protect your health

    Air quality is an issue of great importance to the health and well-being of all of us.. That's why, More and more people are interested in measuring the quality of the air they breathe and taking measures to protect themselves. In this article, We are going to talk about portable devices to measure air quality in real time and how to use them to protect your health.

    What is air quality?

    Air quality refers to the amount of pollutants present in the air we breathe.. These pollutants can be gases, solid or liquid particles, or a combination of both. The main air pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide and fine particles.

    Why is it important to measure air quality?

    Measuring air quality is important because it allows us to know the level of pollution present in the air we breathe.. If the contamination level is high, can have negative effects on health, especially in people with respiratory problems, allergies or cardiovascular diseases. It can also affect quality of life, work performance and the environment in general.

    Portable devices to measure air quality in real time

    There are several portable devices to measure air quality in real time.. The most common are particle meters, carbon dioxide meters and toxic gas meters. These devices measure the concentration of pollutants in the air and provide real-time information about the quality of the air we breathe..

    How to use portable devices to measure air quality

    To use portable devices to measure air quality, You must first read the manufacturer's instructions and familiarize yourself with the device. Then, you must turn on the device and wait for it to calibrate. Once calibrated, you must place the device in the desired location and wait for it to measure the air quality. Depending on the device, it may be necessary to wait several minutes to get an accurate reading.

    It is important to remember that measuring air quality should not be the only measure of protection against air pollution.. You should always follow the recommendations of public health authorities and take steps to reduce exposure to air pollution, How to avoid heavy traffic areas, reduce the use of motor vehicles and maintain good ventilation in your home or workplace.


    Measuring air quality is an important tool to protect the health and well-being of us all. Wearable real-time air quality measurement devices are a convenient and effective way to monitor the quality of the air we breathe.. However, It is important to remember that measuring air quality should not be the only measure of protection against air pollution.. You should always take steps to reduce exposure to air pollution and follow recommendations from public health authorities..

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