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Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations

💡Concept of the Invention

A virtual tourism platform for destinations inaccessible could be the groundbreaking invention that allows people to explore remote and exotic places without having to leave their homes. This would be especially useful for those places that are difficult to reach due to their geographical location., extreme weather conditions, political conflicts or security problems.

The platform would be designed to offer an immersive and authentic virtual tourism experience, using advanced virtual and augmented reality technology. Users could explore inaccessible destinations in 3D, with high-quality images and videos that allow them to feel as if they were there in person. Besides, the platform could have a real-time interaction feature with local tour guides, to answer questions and provide additional information about destinations.

The platform could also be used by tourism companies and local operators to promote their inaccessible destinations and attract a global audience.. The platform could include detailed information about accommodation, transport, tourist activities and attractions in the destinations, as well as an integrated booking tool to allow users to book their trips online.


The “Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations” is an innovative invention that allows users to explore and enjoy tourist destinations that would otherwise be inaccessible due to physical or economic limitations. The platform uses virtual reality technology to create an immersive and realistic tourist experience, that can be enjoyed from the comfort of the user's home.

The platform works as follows:

1. Destination selection: Users can choose from a list of inaccessible tourist destinations, including archaeological sites, natural parks, historic cities, among others. Each destination is made up of a series of places of tourist interest, that can be explored individually.

2. Virtual reality experience: Once the user has selected the destination, You are presented with a virtual reality experience that simulates being in the selected location. The platform uses advanced graphics and sound technology to create an immersive, realistic experience that feels like the user is really there..

3. Destination exploration: Users can explore the selected destination interactively, moving through the tourist attractions and obtaining information about each one through detailed descriptions and multimedia. Besides, Users can interact with elements of the virtual environment, how to touch objects, open doors and windows, and listen to environmental sounds.

4. Share the experience: The platform also allows users to share their experience with others through social networks and other online media.. Users can share photos and videos of their virtual experience, as well as comment and rate tourist destinations.

Using virtual reality technology, the platform creates an immersive and realistic tourist experience that can be enjoyed from anywhere in the world. Users can explore tourist destinations interactively, obtain detailed and multimedia information about each place of tourist interest, and share your experience with others through social networks and other online media.

💡Business model and profitability


Currently, Virtual tourism has become one of the new ways to explore the world. However, There are still places inaccessible to conventional tourism, either due to its geographical location, due to its danger or its level of conservation. For this reason, the need arises to create a virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations, allowing users to explore these places from the comfort of their home. This article will explain how to create a business model for this innovative solution.

Market analysis

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the virtual tourism market. According to a study carried out by the market research company Technavio, The virtual tourism market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16% in between 2020 y 2024. Besides, It is estimated that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, as many people have opted for virtual tourism to comply with travel restrictions.

Regarding inaccessible destinations, There are several types of places that could be attractive to users of the platform.. For example, places that require special permits to visit, dangerous places such as active volcanoes or areas of armed conflict, or places that are in remote and difficult to access areas.

Value proposal

The value proposition of the virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations is to offer users the possibility of exploring unique and off-the-beaten-path places from the comfort of their home.. The platform will feature a wide variety of inaccessible destinations and offer a fully immersive experience, using virtual reality technology and an intuitive user interface.

Besides, the platform will be a useful tool for researchers, scientists and conservationists who need to study these places without having to physically travel to them. It could also be a source of income for the inaccessible places themselves, since they could receive financial compensation for allowing the platform to show them to the public.

Business model

Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations could generate income in several ways. One option would be to charge a monthly or annual subscription fee to platform users.. Another option would be to offer virtual guided tours through the platform for an additional price..

Besides, Alliances could be established with conventional tourism companies to offer packages that include a physical visit to the inaccessible destination after having explored it virtually on the platform..

Income could also be generated by selling advertising within the platform., Aimed at users interested in virtual tourism and inaccessible destinations.


This solution could satisfy the need to explore unique and off-the-beaten-path places from the comfort of home, while offering a useful tool for researchers, scientists and conservationists. To achieve the success, It is necessary to develop a clear value proposition and a sustainable and profitable business model.

💡Patent (Eraser)

Patent for the Virtual Tourism Platform for inaccessible destinations

Patent for the Virtual Tourism Platform for inaccessible destinations

Patent number: 123456789


The present invention relates to a virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations that allows users to explore and enjoy remote and inaccessible tourist locations without having to physically travel there.. The platform uses virtual and augmented reality technology to create an immersive and realistic experience for users.

The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations is an innovative solution for those tourists who, for many reasons, They cannot visit certain tourist destinations. The technology used in this platform allows users to feel like they are really there, allowing them to experience the culture, the history and natural beauty of a place without having to leave home.

Detailed description

The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations consists of two main components: software and hardware. The software is made up of a series of applications and programs that allow users to explore and experience remote and inaccessible tourist places. The hardware includes a number of virtual and augmented reality devices that allow users to interact with the software and experience an immersive experience..

The platform uses virtual reality technology to create a virtual environment that simulates the real tourist place. Users can explore the place virtually, walking through its streets, visiting its monuments and enjoying the natural beauty of the place. Besides, The platform uses augmented reality technology to overlay additional information about the location, as historical and cultural details, on the user's screen.

The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations also allows users to interact with other users in real time, which allows them to share their experiences and knowledge about the tourist place. Besides, The platform also includes educational tools that allow users to learn about history, the culture and geography of the place.


1. A virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations that allows users to explore and enjoy remote and inaccessible tourist locations without having to physically travel there.

2. The platform uses virtual and augmented reality technology to create an immersive and realistic experience for users.

3. The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations is an innovative solution for those tourists who, for many reasons, They cannot visit certain tourist destinations.

4. The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations consists of two main components: software and hardware.

5. The software is made up of a series of applications and programs that allow users to explore and experience remote and inaccessible tourist places.

6. The hardware includes a number of virtual and augmented reality devices that allow users to interact with the software and experience an immersive experience..

7. The platform uses virtual reality technology to create a virtual environment that simulates the real tourist place.

8. Users can explore the place virtually, walking through its streets, visiting its monuments and enjoying the natural beauty of the place.

9. The platform uses augmented reality technology to overlay additional information about the location, as historical and cultural details, on the user's screen.

10. Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations allows users to interact with other users in real time, which allows them to share their experiences and knowledge about the tourist place.

11. The platform also includes educational tools that allow users to learn about history, the culture and geography of the place.


The present invention provides an innovative solution for those tourists who, for many reasons, They cannot visit certain tourist destinations. Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations uses virtual and augmented reality technology to create an immersive and realistic experience for users. Besides, The platform also includes educational tools and the possibility of interacting with other users in real time, allowing users to learn more about the tourist location and share their experiences with others.

The present invention is unique and has not been seen on the market until now. It is expected to be in high demand among tourists who want to experience inaccessible tourist places in a virtual and educational way.. The


<span class ="tr_" id="tr_4" data-source="" data-srclang="es" data-orig="Plan de negocio">Plan de negocio</span> – Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations

The Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations is an innovative invention that seeks to meet people's need to explore remote or inaccessible places in a safe and accessible way..

Market analysis

According to market studies, More and more people are interested in exploring remote or inaccessible places, but many times this is not possible due to geographical reasons., economic or security. It is here where the Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations comes into play, offering an innovative and attractive solution for tourism lovers.

Business model

Our business model is based on a monthly subscription platform, where users can access a wide variety of remote destinations and virtual tours on 360 degrees. Besides, We offer the option of taking personalized tours with virtual guides in real time, which allows a much more interactive and enriching experience for the user.

Marketing and publicity

To promote our platform, We will use various marketing and advertising strategies, like social media campaigns, advertisements in digital media specialized in tourism, collaborations with influencers and bloggers, among others. Besides, We will offer special promotions and discounts to our users to encourage recommendation and loyalty.

Equipment and resources needed

To carry out this project, a team of developers specialized in virtual reality technology will be needed and 360 degrees, as well as personnel specialized in tourism and digital marketing. Investment should also be made in high-quality equipment and software to ensure an optimal experience for users..

Financial projections

It is expected that the Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations generate a steady stream of income through monthly user subscriptions, as well as personalized tours and special promotions. It is expected that within a period of 2 years, The project is profitable and generates a profit margin of at least one 30%.


The Virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations is an innovative and attractive solution for tourism lovers looking to explore remote or inaccessible places in a safe and accessible way. With an appropriate marketing and advertising strategy, a highly trained team and an investment in high quality technology, We hope this project is a financial success and meets the needs of our users..

💡Related apps and other notes

Discover the future of tourism with metaverse: What is it and how it works?

The metaverse is a virtual platform that allows users to interact in a 3D digital world. This technology has been adopted by the tourism industry to create virtual destinations that are inaccessible in real life..

With the metaverse, Users can explore tourist destinations online, like hotels, Beaches, museums and theme parks, without the need to physically travel. Travelers can access these destinations through a variety of devices, like computers, tablets and smartphones.

The metaverse has proven to be a valuable tool for tourism, as it allows tourist destinations to reach a global audience, regardless of geographic location. Besides, users can experience the tourist destination in a completely new way, which can encourage interest in visiting the destination in person.

To create a virtual tourist destination in the metaverse, a variety of technology skills required, including graphic design, programming and animation. Specialized servers and software are also needed to host and manage the virtual world..

Allows travelers to explore tourist destinations inaccessible in real life, and offers an immersive and unique experience. With the increasing adoption of this technology, The future of tourism looks increasingly promising.

Discover how to enjoy tourism from home with virtual tourism

Currently, It is common that many people cannot travel to their favorite tourist destinations due to various limitations, like lack of time, money or the pandemic. However, This does not mean that you should give up enjoying the tourist experience.. In this sense, Virtual tourism is an excellent alternative to discover places that are inaccessible from home..

The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations is a tool that allows users to virtually explore tourist places around the world. This platform is based on virtual and augmented reality technology, providing an immersive and realistic experience.

How does the virtual tourism platform work??

The virtual tourism platform for inaccessible destinations offers a wide variety of tourist destinations, from historic cities to natural parks. Users can select the destination of their choice on the platform and explore it through a virtual experience.

The platform uses cameras 360 degrees to capture high-quality images of the selected tourist destination. Users can scroll through images 360 degrees to explore the tourist destination in detail. Besides, The platform also offers detailed information about the tourist destination, like your story, culture, gastronomy, among others.

Benefits of virtual tourism

Virtual tourism offers several benefits, such as accessibility to inaccessible tourist destinations. Besides, It is also an economical alternative for those who cannot afford to travel. Another important advantage is the reduction of environmental impact, since people can explore tourist destinations without the need to physically travel.


This platform offers an immersive and realistic experience, allowing users to see inaccessible places around the world. Virtual tourism is an excellent alternative for those who cannot physically travel and also helps reduce environmental impact.

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